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Showing posts with label natural cancer cure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural cancer cure. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Scientific Name: Salvia officinalis, Salviae folium

Common Names:  Common Sage, Garden Sage, Kitchen Sage, Spanish sage, Dalmatian Sage,
Broadleaf Sage, Narrow-leaved sage


Sage are evergreen perennial shrubs that grows up to 75 cm high with woody, branching
stem. The leaves are grayish green in color and has a bluish violet flowers in summer.
The shape is like a lance with prominent veins and fine hair-like filaments on the sides.
The sage herbs have sweet, savory flavor that are harvested just before flowering. 

Sage was originally grown in southern and Eastern Europe, around the Mediterranean and
in Asia Minor.  It is often used in Greek, Italian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

Sage is available fresh or dried whole or powdered.  It is usually used to season
poultry, pork and other meat dishes.

Fresh leaves are most sought after for culinary use because of its aromatic, subtle
flavor. One can store fresh herbs in plastic bags and placed inside refrigerator.

Dried sage should be kept in an air-tight container and can be used to season dishes.

Health Benefits and Medicinal properties:

Sage is a very good source of Vitamin A(in the form of provitamin A carotenoid
phytonutrients), Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B complex(folic acid, thiamin,
pyridoxine and riboflavin), calcium, iron and potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, and

Sage also contains a variety of volatile oils, flavonoids (apigenin, diosmetin, and
luteolin), and phenolic acids(rosmarinic acid) which acts as an anti-inflammatory
within the body. With the presence of these volatile oil, sage has become a powerful
antioxidant, protecting cells from being damaged by oxidation and forming cancerous

 This herb also has antiseptic properties, which can treat cuts and sores if prepared
as a wash.

Sage contains ketones; a-thujone, and ß-thujone, cineol, borneol, tannic acid; bitter
substances like cornsole and cornsolic acid; fumaric, chlorogenic, caffeic and
nicotinic acids; nicotinamide and estrogenic substances. These compounds have
anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic and
anti-septic properties.

Sage is low in fat and calories.

Cancer - as mentioned above, sage has become a powerful
antioxidant, protecting cells from being damaged by oxidation and forming cancerous

Memory loss- Sage can improve and enhance one's memory.

Sore throat and mouth infections - boil sage leaves and use it to gargle.

Hot flushes - drink sage tea several times a day.

Hair loss and graying hair - boil sage leaves, let it cool and use it as a hair rinse.

Rheumatoid arthritis - sage has anti-inflammatory properties.

Adverse Effects:

Sage when used in large amounts can cause nervous irritation, convulsions or even

death. Those with epilepsy should avoid this in huge amounts.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Camptotheca aka Cancer Tree

Scientific name: Camptotheca acuminate

Other names: Xi Shu, Cancer Tree, Tree of Joy, Happy Tree, Tree of Life


Camptotheca or the so called cancer tree is a deciduous tree native to Southern China and Tibet. It grows to a height of 20 to 25 meters tall and has a light grey bark and oval leaves with heavy pleated veining. The flowers are white to yellowish spherical clusters.

 There are two species:

    Camptotheca acuminata
    Camptotheca lowreyana

Parts used: Bark, Leaves(tender leaves), Roots, Fruit

Medicinal uses of Camptotheca acuminate (Happy Tree, Cancer Tree):

Camptotheca acuminate (Happy Tree) was first used traditional medicine (ancient Chinese) as a treatment for common colds, psoriasis, liver problems and digestive problems.

Scientific research has found the cancer-fighting properties in Camptotheca acuminate thus it is called a cancer-tree. It contains pentacyclic quinolines camptothecin and 10-hydroxycamptothecin which inhibits DNA topoisomerase I and is very effective against cancer cells.

The extract of tender are beneficial for brain tumors, liver cancer, cancer in the gastrointestinal tract, leukemia and other cancers.

The main compound -a pentacyclic quinoline alkaloid- are found mostly in the tender leaves but they are also present in the bark, root and seeds.

The fruit contains alkaloids (camptothecine, venoterpine, 10-hydroxy camptothecine), tannins(syringicacid, salicylic).

The root contains alkaloids (20-deoxycamptothecin, 20-hexanoylcamptothecine) as well as camptothecine, flavonoids, quercetin, and tannins(gallic acid and trifolin).

By decocting root, bark, fruit. It can be used to treat gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, rectal cancer, liver cancer, carcinoma of bladder and other kinds of cancer.

The root or fruit of the camptotheca can be grounded into a powder and taken once a day.