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Showing posts with label rich in vitamin C. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rich in vitamin C. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Scientific name: Vaccinium corymbosum

Description: Blueberries specifically the northern highbush blueberries are native to North America.  They are perennial, deciduous, woody shrubs which are slow-growing, upright, multi-stemmed and spreading branches. Blueberry trees have flowers that are long bell- or urn-shaped white to very light pink; dark glossy green leaves that turns to brilliant red, orange, yellow, purple and/or burgundy during autumn. The fruits are 6.4–12.7 mm diameter blue-black berries.

Blueberries are eaten fresh or sold processed as individually quick frozen (IQF) fruit, purée, juice, or as jellies and jams.

Parts used: fruits/berries, leaves

Nutrition Facts:

Blueberries are low in calories yet packed with vitamins especially vitamin C, potassium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc. Blueberries are among the highest anti-oxidant value fruits, it is also rich in dietary fiber, anthocyanins and various phytochemicals.

Medicinal properties and uses:

Blueberries have a number of medicinal properties that have been used for generations to treat and prevent digestive orders, improve circulation, maintain eye health, and reduce inflammation.

Antioxidants have been shown to help prevent a number of long-term illnesses such as heart disease, high blood cholesterol, cancer and eye disorders such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. Blueberries are also brain boosters and can help with memory loss and increased circulation, which may help to combat the start or progression of degenerative diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers. It is also a laxative and helps to treat diarrhea, ulcers, urinary tract infections (UTIs), arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), colic, fever, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

Vitamin C aids the formation of collagen, maintains healthy gums as well as a healthy immune system. helps maintain healthy gums and capillaries, and promotes iron absorption and a healthy immune system.

Traditionally, blueberry leaves have been used to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Scientific name: Citrus decumana, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis

Common names: shaddock, pomelo, suha, pamplemousse

Description: Pomelo is a large citrus fruit 15–25 centimetres in diameter and weighing about 2.2 to more than 4 lbs.  It has the consistency of grapefruits without the tart flavor. It is pale green or yellowish in color while its edible flesh inside is pulpy & white, pink or red and has very thick albedo (rind pith).

The peel is used to make marmalade or candied.

Parts used: Fruit, peel, leaves

Nutritional value:

Fresh fruit is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds like vitamin B & C, potassium, iron, magnesium, lycopene and dietary fiber. The rind has flavonoids, limonoids,
and terpenes.

Medicinal properties:

Studies show that pomelo is antimicrobial, antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Anti-Aging - Pomelo has high levels of vitamin C, antioxidants and pomelo also contains spermadine (a rare chemical found in human sperm) and linked to anti-aging properties.

Anti-depressant - The extract of leaves showed psychostimulant effect and increased in norepinephrine level in the synapses thus helpful in lifting up the mood.

Blood Pressure - Pomelos are a very good source of potassium about 37% of your daily requirement. Potassium is a vasodilator which helps release tension of blood vessels and promotes increased blood circulation and oxygenation of organ systems. It is also good for the heart.

Body Cramping - Potassium is important in the fluid balance in the body and prevents muscle cramping and stiffness.

Diabetes - Pomelo Juice yields insulin like substance and is rich in lycopene and vitamin C.

Digestion - Pomelo contains about 25% of your daily requirement of fiber. This promotes healthy digestion and eliminates problems like constipation and diarrhea.

Dyspepsia - Peel or rind, dried or in decoction, used for dyspepsia.

Immune System - Being rich in Vitamin C this fruit helps to fight off infections, colds, coughs, fevers, and other microbial, viral, and bacterial infections.

Weight Loss - Pomelo contains Carnitine pamitoyl-transferase a “fat-burning enzyme” that can help you reduce your weight.